A good atmosphere, especially in a good company, the food was delicious, served on time, the waiters did an excellent job and always beat them in plain sight.
The only drawback is that the arrival at the restaurant, having reached the halfway path, had to be backtracked, as the obstinacy drove in a jeep, and who turned out to be the owner, where did he get Georgian hospitality
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Оксана Фирсова
After the first visit to this restaurant (1.5 years ago), I wanted to visit again to see if everything was really so tasty there or it seemed to me ... No! Didn't seem to.
We recently celebrated a family holiday. She insisted on this institution. Emotions are just great. I fell in love with Georgian cuisine! Honestly, there is probably simply no better barbecue in our city. Khachapuri is something. Nuuu salads are very meaty (in particular "Alaverdy"). And the compliment from the establishment (in connection with the family date) - chacha as an aperitif and ice cream dessert - just won me over.
The staff is very friendly, the portions are large, the prices are adequate.
Now all my friends and acquaintances know where the best Georgian cuisine is in the city. Now only to you !!!
May God grant you prosperity! Thank you.
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Наталия Кирильченко
Смачні страви. Гарне обслуговування. Ціни доступні. Сподобався інтер'єр на 1-му поверсі: затишно і багато місця.
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Александр Козлов
Perfect place! Wonderful people work in the restaurant! The food and service are excellent! Great atmosphere! I highly recommend visiting!
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Anastasiia Deina
Немає можливості розплатитися картою. Але їжа нормальна, порції великі.
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Iris “Mind of a Hitchhiker” Veldwijk
Delicious khachapuri and salad. Note that if you want khinkali, you need to pre order them (one of the pictures has the phone number). We had three dishes that we chose because we thought they were vegetarian. They were! The salad is with walnuts (possibly vegan), the mushrooms are covered in cheese, and khachapuri is always a winner. We had filtered Chernihiv beer with the food and took some slices of khachapuri home (the box costs UAH 10, which is fine). We ordered everything in improvised Russian (not English) so prepare for that before you go. They play Georgian music in the restaurant which is great. I'd eat here again
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Sveta Lysytsia
Кухня- вне конкуренции!!!
Сегодня у нас было блюдо чашушули по-грузински с телятиной. Это объедение!!!
Хинкали ,как обычно, тоже на высоте
И благодаря таланту повара можно простить мелкие недочёты обслуживания( заказ сделан заранее, в назначенное время хинкали не готовы- ждала минут 15)
Мое мнение: хотите получить наслаждение от мясных блюд- посетите это заведение!
Шашлык лучший в Чернигове!
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Svitlana Pidgirna
Все дуже смачно і персоналу респект ????????????
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Igor Batog
Чудова кухня. Доброзичливий персонал. Якщо ви шукаєте сімейне кафе чи для корпоративну не вагайтесь.
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Vadim Luboml
Заїжали якось з друзями в Чернігів на вихідні і завітали у цей заклад
Усе дуже сподобалось, таких великих хачапурі я ще ніколи не їв
Коли поїли і зібрались виходити, то господиня ще пригостила нас фірмовою чачею, яка дуже добре зайшла
Один із найкращих закладів Чернігова!!!
Сергій Сипченко
Оксана Фирсова
Наталия Кирильченко
Александр Козлов
Anastasiia Deina
Iris “Mind of a Hitchhiker” Veldwijk
Sveta Lysytsia
Svitlana Pidgirna
Igor Batog
Vadim Luboml